What Bike and Build is all about...

Bike and Build is a non-profit organization that raises money and awareness for the affordable housing crisis through the arrangement of cross-country biking trips. The organization primarily engages college students ages 18-25 on 8 different routes. Specifically, Bike and Build attempts to engage young adults in a life-long commitment to service and philanthropy by providing participants with a very intimate approach to the affordable housing crisis. For more information about the organization, check out their website at www.bikeandbuild.org.

Also, a very big thank you to everyone who donated to the cause. Each rider is required to raise a minimum of $4,000 and my current total is $6,770! Thank you again for your support!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 2 and Island of CAPRI!!!!

Ok, this was officially my favorite day in Italy to date. Capri was incredible all around (except for how expensive it was). Imagine Newark, New Jersey for a moment, then add beautiful cliffs, water, and Italian culture, then remove all of the pollution, dirt, and crime and you get the island of Capri. Alex, Jordan, Stephanie, and I rented a private boat to take us around the island for a couple of hours which turned out to be a great value for only 25 euro each. Lorenzo our guide was a really funny guy who took us to all the important sites and let us do pretty much what we wanted to. The famous blue grotto was closed so that is my excuse for going back... However, we did go swimming at the green grotto and we boated under the famous rocks that jut out from the ocean.

This is the blue grotto. It is really hard to see, but there is a small hole to the left of the staircase. Apparently, when you go inside it opens up and you can take a boat in to see the really blue water and cave formations.

Here is a youtube video of what is inside:

Also, here are other pictures from the day. And yes, the water really is that blue/clear/awesome looking. The last picture is of Lorenzo our awesome guide.

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