What Bike and Build is all about...

Bike and Build is a non-profit organization that raises money and awareness for the affordable housing crisis through the arrangement of cross-country biking trips. The organization primarily engages college students ages 18-25 on 8 different routes. Specifically, Bike and Build attempts to engage young adults in a life-long commitment to service and philanthropy by providing participants with a very intimate approach to the affordable housing crisis. For more information about the organization, check out their website at www.bikeandbuild.org.

Also, a very big thank you to everyone who donated to the cause. Each rider is required to raise a minimum of $4,000 and my current total is $6,770! Thank you again for your support!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


For those of you who don't know Orvieto is a beautiful and small Italian town that sits on top of a volcanic plateau near the city of Viterbo, Italy. You might be thinking, well what's so great about a tiny Italian town? I'll tell you what's great, THE GELATO! It was by far the best confectionery delight to ever grace my palette. Fragola (Strawberry), Pesche (Peach), Banana (Banana) were by far the best flavors. Also, they have a great duomo just like Firenze and when we went in to visit we got to watch an Italian wedding! The wedding was odd because unlike in America everyone darts for the door when the priest pronounces them man and wife. Couldn't they have the common courtesy to let them walk out first. I mean I know the reception is awesome and all, but really!?!? Everyone doesn't need to advertise it to the world that the ceremony was boring. Anyway I digress.

The other cool thing about the town was the catacombs and its adorable inhabitants. (And when I say adorable inhabitants I really mean stray cats that roamed the park and let Alex play with them.) The catacombs were built by the Etruscans to help them ward off attackers back in the day. There are over 1000 caves that were dug and I saw two of them (WOO WOO). Unfortunately, Etruscans were kind of like the people who dug under buildings in Shanghai last year. I think they forgot that when you dig out all the ground below multi-ton buildings they typically collapse. Well because of this pesky "collapse and kill everyone walking below" problem, digging is no longer allowed at this time. Good call Orvieto.

Ok ok, enough reading for now. On to the pictures:

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