What Bike and Build is all about...

Bike and Build is a non-profit organization that raises money and awareness for the affordable housing crisis through the arrangement of cross-country biking trips. The organization primarily engages college students ages 18-25 on 8 different routes. Specifically, Bike and Build attempts to engage young adults in a life-long commitment to service and philanthropy by providing participants with a very intimate approach to the affordable housing crisis. For more information about the organization, check out their website at www.bikeandbuild.org.

Also, a very big thank you to everyone who donated to the cause. Each rider is required to raise a minimum of $4,000 and my current total is $6,770! Thank you again for your support!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Long Awaited Update

Ok so let me first apologize for not updating very often. Things are very busy here on the road and today is the first day that I have gotten to sit down and actually write something of substance.

First some updates, a BIG thank you to all the donors who supported me for this ride because I raised the most on my trip with $6770!!! Also, I raised the third most out of the 255 participants in the Bike and Build program (gimme that bronze medal)!

So far this experience has been incredible and I will do my best to add pictures along the way, but I seem to have misplaced the cable for my camera so iPhone pics will have to do for now.

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